“Masterpiece Comics Theater” at The Brick, June 14-21, 2014

MasterpieceComicsTheater_squareFLATComicBook2014-28smThe Brick Theater, Inc. presents


“Where Classics and Cartoons Collide… on stage!”
A survey of literature, from Homer & Euripides to Kafka & Beckett, with projected visuals inspired by the most popular comics of the 20th century.

This hour long multimedia show adapts R. Sikoryak‘s graphic novel series Masterpiece Comics and features re-tellings of classic literature and popular American comics. Inspired by epic poetry, Gothic romance, and Elizabethan tragedy, as well as superhero stories, cat cartoons, and gum wrappers, Masterpiece Comics Theater uses projections, a rotating cast of voice actors, live drawing, music, and sound effects in the manner of Sikoryak’s long running Carousel Slide Show performance series. 

Voice actors for the run include: Ryan Andes, Paul Boocock, Hope Cartelli, Julie Klausner, Meg Sweeney Lawless, Kevin Maher, and Steven Rattazzi (see below for cast dates and details).

The Brick, 579 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11222

Saturday, June 14, 8:15 pm. With Sikoryak, R.Andes, J. Klausner, M. Sweeney Lawless, S. Rattazzi.
Tuesday, June 17, 7 pm. With Sikoryak, P. Boocock, H. Cartelli, M. Sweeney Lawless, K. Maher.
Saturday, June 21, 4:45 pm. With Sikoryak, R. Andes, H. Cartelli, M. Sweeney Lawless, S. Rattazzi.

In The Brick’s Comic Book Theater Festival, executive producer: Jeff Lewonczyk. For more info and tickets, visit http://bricktheater.com/comics

For discount tickets at $12, use the code: MPCOMICS

Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum.






3 responses to ““Masterpiece Comics Theater” at The Brick, June 14-21, 2014”

  1. […] ← “Masterpiece Comics Theater” at The Brick, June 14-21, 2014 […]

  2. […] “Masterpiece Comics Theater” on June 14 with Ryan Andes, Julie Klausner, M. Sweeney Lawless, Steven Rattazzi, & R. Sikoryak at The Brick. 2 more shows with rotating casts on June 17 & 21.  Photos by Tom Henning. […]

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